How to play and experience playing four colors card game

Home » How to play and experience playing four colors card game

Four Colors card game is a folk card game loved by many people. Unlike many other simple card games, the rules of four-color card game will be a bit more complicated. If you are learning about this interesting game, don’t miss the article below, jlbet provides the most detailed information about this card game.

Introducing the four colors card game

Four colors card game is a popular card game in China. The aim of the game is to arrange four decks of cards into pairs and get the highest score.

Each deck consists of three cards and a pair of cards arranged according to their value. This game requires calculation and strategy skills to make optimal decisions in arranging cards and making reasonable moves.

four colors card game

What is the deck of cards used in four-color cards?

The four-color card deck has 112 cards, rectangular, small and short. The front of the card has only text, no illustrations. A card with a rectangular tetrahedron made of cardboard. The basic deck of cards has 7 armies including: General (帥), Si 仕, Bishop (相), Chariot (俥), Cannon (炮), Horse (兵) and Pawn (卒).
Each deck has 16 cards with 4 basic colors: blue, red, white and yellow. On the outside, the cards just have the same color or

pattern. In a deck of cards, cards of different colors but with the same name have the same value.

The groups of articles are considered valid

A general card.

A set of 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same rank and color.

  • Set of 3 four-color cards of the same color as General, Knight, and Bishop.
  • Comes with a set of 3 cards of the same color: car, cannon, code…
  • Comes in a set of 3 or 4 different colored pawns.
  • Some ways to call special groups of cards in the four colors
  • Manager: This is how you turn over 4 cards of the same color. If a player draws a card, he must reveal it and make it known to the table
  • Khap: Same as above but with 3 identical cards. The player also needs to notify the table.
  • Opening: The player eats 1 other player’s trash card to create 4 identical cards called opening.

The term is commonly used in four colors

  • Even four-color card
  • There are 1 to 4 Chess cards.
  • There are 3 to 4 pawn cards of different colors.
  • There are 2 to 4 cards of the same color and suit.
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Odd four-color song

Troops and groups are considered odd when: the three generals – officers – bishops or chariots – artillery – horses have the same quality. Remember these groups so you can play better and win.

Garbage four colors card

The remaining cards that do not belong to the even and odd groups are called junk cards.
The player is only considered a winner until the hand is even; if the hand is odd, he must pay.
The rules of the game you need to know in four-color card game
For the four-color card game, each player will be dealt 20 different cards. The dealer in the four colors will receive 21 cards. The remaining cards will be placed in the middle of the table as stakes.
The winner of the game is the player who completes the hand (no trash left in the hand). If there is no tie but there are only 7 cards left in the deck, it is considered a tie. When the player gets the Pi (the dealer’s first card), he must discard the trash card in his hand, otherwise the opponent will be punished for the whole village.

How to play

The four-color card game begins with the dealer. The dealer draws any card from his hand and places it on the table. The first card in the four colors is called the Spleen. If the next player has a valid card that can capture the Pi, he is allowed to take that card, throw the trash card in his hand on the table and continue according to the rules of the game. If you can’t win, choose a card from the pile and lose your turn in that game.

Experience in playing four-color cards you need

Playing four colors has many strategies and experiences to win. Here are some experiences in playing four-color cards that you can refer to:

Choose a card to play: When you are chosen to play the first card, choose the card with the highest value to play. The first hand is important because it will shape your playing style in the game.

Keep valuable cards: If you have high cards like Ace, K, Q, J, keep them to play in the following turns, because they have greater value than low cards.

Play the low cards first: If you don’t have high cards to play, play the low cards first to save the high cards for later turns.

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Use the double play strategy: When you have two identical cards, play them at the same time to increase your chances of winning. This also helps you save other cards for future turns.

Read the situation: Carefully observe your opponent’s cards and read the situation to know how to play your cards appropriately. If your opponent plays high cards, keep the high cards to fight back. If your opponent plays low cards, keep the low cards to play next turn.

Play tactically: Find the right strategy for each game. If you hit randomly, you will lose control of the game and cannot win.


Four colors card game is a game that requires patience and intelligence. So take advantage of it properly to succeed and win big.

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